We want to fill the stands at “The Rock” for the Winter Sports season!
If we can’t be there in person, we will be there in Spirit!
Cutouts will be on display in the RHS Gym for all Home Events.
Purchase Your Cutout Below to Help Support Rocket Boosters and ALL Winter Sports programs.
All profits from the sale of the “Rocket Fans in the Stands” cutouts will be shared by the Rocket Boosters and all Winter Sports. Rocket Boosters will make a donation to each sport’s activity fund at the conclusion of the fundraiser.
Check out the FAQ section below for information on cutouts.
FAQs for Cut-Outs
How much do they cost?
- Purchase 1 Cutout = $60.00 each
- Purchase 2 Cutouts = $55.00 each
- Purchase 3 or more Cutouts = $50.00 each
Can more than 1 person be in the photo?
Only one face per Cutout. Photos with multiple people will not be accepted. See photo submission guidelines.
Can I submit a photo of my pet?
Yes! Pet photos are permitted if they comply with the photo submissions guidelines and criteria.
How will I know if the photo I upload is accepted?
You will be contacted if your photo does NOT meet submission guidelines. See our photo submissions guidelines for tips on submitting the best photo.
Where will my cut out be placed?
Cutouts will be randomly placed in the bleachers for each event. There is no guarantee which area your cutout will be placed or what seat. Due to the large quantity of cutouts we are processing and placing, we are unable to tell you where your cutout will be located.
If I buy one for each member of my family, will we be placed next to each other?
There is no guarantee that your cutouts will be placed next to each other.
When will my cutout be in the bleachers?
Our goal by ordering early is have the cutouts setup in the gym for the first home event of the Winter sports season. All cutouts will be printed at the same time to ensure no individuals are left out at events.
Can I keep my cutout at the end of the season?
Yes! You will be able to pick up your official cutout at the conclusion of the Winter Sports season. Details about pick up will be communicated after the season is completed.
What if my cutout gets damaged?
If a cutout gets damaged, Rocket Boosters and Rockford Area Schools cannot guarantee the condition of your cutout due to unforseen circumstances such as setup, balls or persons leaving the gym floor or any factors deemed uncontrollable.
What if the season gets cancelled?
All approved purchases for cutouts are final and in no event shall such payments be refunded for any reason, including but not limited to the delay, suspension, or early termination of the Winter Sports season.
Why does the image on my Cutout look so crummy?
When enlarging faces to 2+’ from photos, some pixelation/blurriness may happen. To help fans submit the best photos to be enlarged, we provided photo submission guidelines to make it easier to know what photos worked best. If you submitted a photo below those size/resolution recommendations that would account for the pixelation in the cutout printed.
Purchase Form
Photo Submission Guidelines and Best Practices
- File formats JPG and PNG are preferred. If uploading multiple photos you upload in a Zip file.
- Preferred file size is 2448px X 3264px or (34x45in) at a 72 DPI. The cutout at full size is roughly 2 ft by 3 ft. Smaller files may appear blurry and not as crisp.
- For photos with multiple people, please crop out the fan so that the base of the neck is at the center of the frame.
- A shirt color on a same color background will make you look like a floating head.
- Wearing a hat too low will cast a shadow on your eyes and conceal your face.
- If you want to wear a hat, make sure there is a good source of light in front of your face.
- Team colors and jerseys are encouraged!
- If you wear glasses, try tilting or angling your face to avoid glare on your glasses. Avoid using the flash, as well.
- Avoid backlighting — don’t stand in front of a window or a door with your back to them.
- Keep personal or private information off of the walls or objects behind you. We won’t remove backgrounds from these photos.
- For best results use a solid-color background — use a sheet or blanket if you don’t have a wall that will work.
- Have someone else take your picture. Selfies don’t crop well.
- Photos taken by smartphones should work. When submitting the photo, make sure it is as large as possible. Don’t compress it.
- Include some space around your head and shoulders so that your body is not chopped off.
- Stand 3-4 feet away from the camera/phone, and have the photo taken at your eye level.
- Photo should be taken in vertical (portrait) format.
- Holding a ball, foam finger, etc won’t show up if it’s beyond your shoulders.
- Make sure your arms are inside the right and left edges of the frame.
- Crop so that the base of your neck is at the center of frame.
- Maintain a 3:4 ratio.